티스토리 뷰

A star is born as many collects expected to rise attention to this appearance. If the interest is concentrated among the Ode to a second birth. Broadcast, is official "gojaegeun, Kim Tschang-Yeul, cheonmyeonghun such established singers gather expect to attract much interest and attention appeared only because it can quench the thirst for the stage through a variety of stages and performances with rookie


Original pics to see so far .... nadeok seeing my happy buttons (transparent) euheot heh heoheot heoheoheo heot love seokjin Oh ㅠㅠㅠ ㅠㅠㅠ three months to the end of the irregular ipdeok eventually winning partner ... 1. 2. 3. Respond more keyitu 4. love 5. nosy one night and two days 6. new Journey to the west what are you looking at, but based on what I wrote books like the jam dream ㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ NRG is our title song 'profitability can'! Thank you can not do ~! Say you love one another saying ~~ ~~ miss you around you ♬





Why ask saw countless nyago did attach another product photos Seller I will put down the materials of 'woven', you pull yourself the accompanying photos (distinguish anganeun photo) it took only a refund is difficult. (Still, why, why hasyeotneunji attach another product models cut 2 gives us do not say.) Essential pants and woven pants to capture photos and distinctly different product numbers that keep this stuff we sent him the seller. The seller gave sent a minute to capture the other two product photos to me. I think that the seller knew differ minutes, two pants, why is still doubts that raised the other models, cut, keep the base material hangeoda



Points are subtracted big-members) that work to hear about current articles courier was too surprised. What sick mind ... Celebrity job wonak unstable job together, though seemed quite popular at the time were many in the group, cut it geoneyo really hard that the other day. Long hair and a member Why Did something so well ??? Eda animated faces sewn together to share their mood and Takeshi Kaneshiro. Yidongyun authorized olbaek head reminds members of the cast poses and remember to imitate the look of Na Hoon-a performing arts program at the time of activity. He put his hand on the back lower lip upper teeth grin water



The participants Trout ... do you think you are going to take someone Tower? Eotteotgehae ㅠㅠ Jimin baby penguin ingeo deulkim shelf life of Germany operation Emergency Food NRG-5 Â World Cup jjalteol (seuap attention) for minhyeon is mongmong !!! Kpop above Tit (guest batdu two) are the first generation idol warriors Facebook (BON VOYAGE Season 4 Preview) of a visual shock to say the cause political gathering I took a phone


With an opening of the overwhelming scale doyeol wearing dresses to aspects of the master Corps 13 that are dominating vertically and horizontally Wujin active wrinkle music industry and broadcasting industry, and boasts an ever-class scale beyond the 'Season 1' utmost curiosity and anticipation for the program Added to attract. The end of a long wait, "Mr Trout" is finally among the debut, said the four spectator points that should not be missed crew. ■ One point to watch. "Passion and



[UPDATE Four parasitic Blog said this week Come on! Tsutsui Ayame こ ん に ち は ~ 筒 井 あ や め で す. 一 昨日 は AGESTOCK に 出演 さ せ て 頂 き ま し た も の ​​す ご く 楽 し か っ た で す !! リ ハ の 時 か ら 顔 が 真 っ 赤 に な る く ら い 暑 か っ た の で すが 本 番 は 熱 気 が す ご く て 熱 々 で し た !! 4 期 だ け で イ ベ ン ト に 出 さ せ て い た だ く の は 乃 木 坂 の 名 を 背負 っ て 出 さ せ て い た だ く の で と て も 緊張 し ま す が す ご く 楽 し い で す 来 て く だ さ っ た 皆 さ ん あ り が と う ござ い ま し た ^^ ラ イ ブ 後 に レ イ と 楽 し か っ た ~ っ て 顔 で す 先 週 は 幕 張, 昨日 は 大阪 で 個別 握手 会 が あ り ま し た 来 て く だ さ っ た 皆 さ ん あ り が と う ご ざ い ま し た ^^ * ↑ 幕 張 で 頂 い た お 花 ↑ 大阪 で 頂 い たお 花 た く さ ん あ り が と う ご ざ い ま す! 昨日 の 大阪 の 朝 は 寒 く て び っ く り. メ ン バ ー や メ イ ク さ ん と 今日 寒 す ぎ っ て言 い な が ら ブ ラ ン ケ ッ ト に く る ま っ て い ま し た. 初 め ま し て の 方 も 沢 山 い て 嬉 し か っ た で す あ や め ち ゃ ん の フ ァ ン の 人 は い い 人 ば か り だ よ ~ っ て 言 っ て 初 め ま し て の 方 同 士 仲良 く な っ た り そ う い う 本 当 に 嬉 し い ん で す ^ ^ も っ と も っ と そ の 輪 が 広 が っ た ら 嬉 し い な! ゆ び は ー と. ら ぶ. 今日 は こ の 辺 で 短 く て ご め ん な さ い (/.. \) 最後 ま で 読 ん で く だ さ っ て あ り が と う ご ざ い ま し た'` * 今 週 も 1 週 間 頑 張 ろ う !!!筒 井 あ や め で し た Hello ~ Ayame is Tsutsui. The day before yesterday was given by starring in AGESTOCK


If I do stay up all night practicing gamyeo, busy preparing the gonando performance was radiate energy gamyeo bandage his hands and knees like a tireless such as climbing on stage. Plans full of enthusiasm for their trot forward "hyped" the exhilarating home theater. ■ watching two points. Evolution of trot, even once seen unprecedented new genre pioneer 'Mr Trout "is



I look out the answer but again ascend trend ^^ costume even properly ppopdeonga Why not put a stone lug Mattel is making a gimseokjin eolppa me to force all right Martel? Let's go up not mental baekpeuro minnat Fairy baby one thousand and four days ㅅㅂ ㅠ ㅠㅠㅠ ㅠㅠㅠ ㅠㅠㅠ ㅠㅠㅠ should only hit more ㅠㅠㅠ forgot my happy buttons (transparent) euheot heh heoheot heoheoheo heot love seokjin Oh ㅠㅠㅠ ㅠㅠㅠ fact, almost no situation audition program and

